Resin Bound Gravel
Resin bound gravel can be an affordable and long lasting surface if installed correctly. It can also offer a permeable surface if a permeable base exists or is installed. We are always happy to provide free advice as to which surface would suit your property and expectations.
25 Years Experience. Paving, Building & Landscaping.
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Porcelain paving and new baton fencing. #sudbury #suffolk #paving #pavingstones #pavingstone #patio #patiodesign #porcelainpaving #porcelainpatio

Porcelain paving and new baton fencing. #sudbury #suffolk #paving #pavingstones #pavingstone #patio #patiodesign #porcelainpaving #porcelainpatio
New resin bound gravel driveway. #resindriveway #resindriveways #resindrives #driveway #drivewaypaving #drivewaypavers #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #resinboundgravel #essexbusiness #suffolkbusiness #suffolk

New resin bound gravel driveway. #resindriveway #resindriveways #resindrives #driveway #drivewaypaving #drivewaypavers #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #resinboundgravel #essexbusiness #suffolkbusiness #suffolk
New resin bound gravel driveway replacing uneven block paving. #resindriveway #resindriveways #resindrives #driveway #drivewaypaving #drivewaypavers #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #resinboundgravel #essexbusiness #suffolkbusiness #suffolk

New resin bound gravel driveway replacing uneven block paving. #resindriveway #resindriveways #resindrives #driveway #drivewaypaving #drivewaypavers #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #resinboundgravel #essexbusiness #suffolkbusiness #suffolk
Resin gravel patio and garden clearance. #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #patio #patiodesign #resindriveway #resindriveways #essex #essexbusiness #suffolk #suffolkbusiness #landscaping #landscapingdesign #paving #pavingstones

Resin gravel patio and garden clearance. #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #patio #patiodesign #resindriveway #resindriveways #essex #essexbusiness #suffolk #suffolkbusiness #landscaping #landscapingdesign #paving #pavingstones
Tired old concrete driveway replaced with resin bound gravel. Before and after pictures. #resindriveway #resindriveways #resindrives #resindrive #resinboundsurfacing #resinbound #resinboundgravel #resinboundpaving #driveway #drivewaygoals #driveways #drivewaycleaning #drivewaysealing #essexbusiness #essexconstruction #brentwood

Tired old concrete driveway replaced with resin bound gravel. Before and after pictures. #resindriveway #resindriveways #resindrives #resindrive #resinboundsurfacing #resinbound #resinboundgravel #resinboundpaving #driveway #drivewaygoals #driveways #drivewaycleaning #drivewaysealing #essexbusiness #essexconstruction #brentwood
New wall, windows, render, blocks & resin bound gravel. #builder #builderessex #buildingessex #essexbusiness #paving #pavingstones #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #homeimprovement #homeimprovements #halstead

New wall, windows, render, blocks & resin bound gravel. #builder #builderessex #buildingessex #essexbusiness #paving #pavingstones #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #homeimprovement #homeimprovements #halstead
Resin bound gravel driveway with new permeable concrete base. #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #resinboundgravel #resindriveway #resindriveways #driveway #driveways #drivewaygoals #drivewaydesign #essexbusiness #essexconstruction #sudbury #sudburysuffolk

Resin bound gravel driveway with new permeable concrete base. #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #resinboundgravel #resindriveway #resindriveways #driveway #driveways #drivewaygoals #drivewaydesign #essexbusiness #essexconstruction #sudbury #sudburysuffolk
Anthracite porcelain paving before and afters. #porcelain #porcelaintile #porcelainpaving #patio #patiodesign #porcelainpatio #porcelainpatios #landscaping #landscapingideas #sudbury #suffolkbusiness #colchester #colchesterbusiness

Anthracite porcelain paving before and afters. #porcelain #porcelaintile #porcelainpaving #patio #patiodesign #porcelainpatio #porcelainpatios #landscaping #landscapingideas #sudbury #suffolkbusiness #colchester #colchesterbusiness
#tobermore Tegula Trio block paving driveway and fencing. #driveway #drivewaygoals #drivewaydesign #sudbury #sudburysuffolk #suffolk #suffolkbusiness #paving #pavingblock #pavingstones #patio

#tobermore Tegula Trio block paving driveway and fencing. #driveway #drivewaygoals #drivewaydesign #sudbury #sudburysuffolk #suffolk #suffolkbusiness #paving #pavingblock #pavingstones #patio
New permeable resin bound gravel driveway with block border. #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #resinboundgravel #resindriveway #resindriveways #driveway #drivewaygoals #colchester #colchesterbusiness #essex #essexbusiness

New permeable resin bound gravel driveway with block border. #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #resinboundgravel #resindriveway #resindriveways #driveway #drivewaygoals #colchester #colchesterbusiness #essex #essexbusiness
New resin bound gravel driveway with a full permeable new base. #tobermorepaving block and kerb border. #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #resinboundgravel #resinbounddriveway #resindriveway #resindriveways #permeablepaving #driveway #drivewaygoals #drivewaydesign #drivewaygoals #paving #pavingblocks #sudbury #sudburysuffolk #suffolk #suffolkbusiness

New resin bound gravel driveway with a full permeable new base. #tobermorepaving block and kerb border. #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #resinboundgravel #resinbounddriveway #resindriveway #resindriveways #permeablepaving #driveway #drivewaygoals #drivewaydesign #drivewaygoals #paving #pavingblocks #sudbury #sudburysuffolk #suffolk #suffolkbusiness
Permeable resin bound gravel driveway. Before, during and after. #driveway #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #resinbounddriveway #resindriveway #resindrives #paving #resinbounddriveways #colchester #essex #essexbusiness

Permeable resin bound gravel driveway. Before, during and after. #driveway #resinbound #resinboundsurfacing #resinbounddriveway #resindriveway #resindrives #paving #resinbounddriveways #colchester #essex #essexbusiness
Artificial turf with block border. Before, during and after. #colchester #colchesterbusiness #landscaping #essexbusiness #paving #patiouk #fakegrass #artificialturf #artificialgrass #artificialturfinstallation #artificialgrassinstallation

Artificial turf with block border. Before, during and after. #colchester #colchesterbusiness #landscaping #essexbusiness #paving #patiouk #fakegrass #artificialturf #artificialgrass #artificialturfinstallation #artificialgrassinstallation
Before and after smooth natural stone sandstone patio with sett border. #patiouk #paving #patio #patiogarden #sudbury #sudburysuffolk #suffolk #landscapersofinstagram #sandstonepaving

Before and after smooth natural stone sandstone patio with sett border. #patiouk #paving #patio #patiogarden #sudbury #sudburysuffolk #suffolk #landscapersofinstagram #sandstonepaving
Sandstone bullnose steps before and after. Repointed brickwork. #buildersuk #builder #sandstone #paving #patio #sudbury #sudburysuffolk #sudburybusiness #suffolk #suffolkbusiness

Sandstone bullnose steps before and after. Repointed brickwork. #buildersuk #builder #sandstone #paving #patio #sudbury #sudburysuffolk #sudburybusiness #suffolk #suffolkbusiness
New sandstone patio with circles and block borders. #paving #patio #colchester #essex #patiodesign #patiogarden #pavingblock #pavingstones #patiopaving #colchesterbusiness #colchesterlife #stanway

New sandstone patio with circles and block borders. #paving #patio #colchester #essex #patiodesign #patiogarden #pavingblock #pavingstones #patiopaving #colchesterbusiness #colchesterlife #stanway
Sandstone refurbishment. Cleaned, repaired and traditional pointing. Replacing the brush in easy joint. #sudburysuffolk #sudbury #suffolk #patio #landscaping #paving #jetwashing

Sandstone refurbishment. Cleaned, repaired and traditional pointing. Replacing the brush in easy joint. #sudburysuffolk #sudbury #suffolk #patio #landscaping #paving #jetwashing
Sandstone patio before and afters. #paving #patio #patiodesign #garden #suffolk #sudbury #landscaping #landscaping #summer24

Sandstone patio before and afters. #paving #patio #patiodesign #garden #suffolk #sudbury #landscaping #landscaping #summer24
New sandstone patio and silicone render garden wall. Before and after. #paving #patio #sudburysuffolk #sudbury #sandstonepaving #suffolk #pavingstones #pavingblock #pavingstone

New sandstone patio and silicone render garden wall. Before and after. #paving #patio #sudburysuffolk #sudbury #sandstonepaving #suffolk #pavingstones #pavingblock #pavingstone
Before and afters of patio and landscaping works. #sandstone #patio #paving #pavingstones #sudburysuffolk #sudbury #suffolk #patiodesign #garden #gardendesign

Before and afters of patio and landscaping works. #sandstone #patio #paving #pavingstones #sudburysuffolk #sudbury #suffolk #patiodesign #garden #gardendesign